Wellness Routine: Better Sleep
Updated: Jun 16, 2021
Sleep is essential for good health, both physically and mentally!
Studies show that inadequate sleep leads to poor immune function, mood disorders, blood-sugar dysregulation and lower-life expectancy.
Sleep is especially important for women during certain times, like the Luteal and Menstrual phases as the body needs more energy to work efficiently. Sleeping-in or feeling the need to go to bed early during this time is totally normal and even necessary!
While most of us feel we don't have the time or discipline for a nightly "routine" it can make all the difference in your quality of sleep and stress levels. With benefits like this, it's worth the effort!
If you're interested in starting a nightly wellness routine, here's a list of my favorite ways to prepare my body for sleep:
Nightly Wellness Routine:
Avoid caffeine at least four hours before bed. This disrupts your sleep cycle later.
Light stretching and/or yoga is a great way to relieve tension from the day and prepare your body to rest.
Enjoy an Epsom salt bath with essential oils like eucalyptus or lavender. Taking a hot shower with an aromatherapy spray is also relaxing!
Take time for your skincare routine. There's something very satisfying about preparing your skin to replenish itself through the night.
Read, write, listen to soft music or do something that calms you 2-3 hours before bed. When your body is relaxed the next thing to do is relax and quiet the mind. While quieting the mind can be a challenge for some of us, it's a discipline that affects every area of our life.
Set The Mood For Restful Sleep:
Now that you've made time to unwind, it's important to keep a relaxing atmosphere in your bedroom.
Keep the lighting low...no blue light!
We sleep best when we're in a cool environment so keep your space cool. The recommended temperature is about 68 degrees.
Diffuse some essential oils by your bed. Lavender, cedarwood and bergamot are some of my favorites!
Consider investing in a weighted blanket, they've been proven to aid in deeper sleep and reduced anxiety levels.
While everyone's preferences and needs are different, hopefully, this list will help you make a nightly wellness routine a priority! Sleep is essential for all other functions in the body so make sleep a priority tonight.